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Virtual Staging

Virtual Staging Offers a Preview of the Home

Offering an opportunity for the buyer to visualize what the future home would look like is something that can close the deal from the very beginning.

The approach is very effective as they get the chance to see the different possibilities their future home has, for instance, the design, the style and the decorative details that will enhance the visual appeal of the place. Virtual staging transforms the vacant space into a welcoming and warm home, fully digitally furnished in the design according to the preferences of the buyers.

However, buyers are aware that the place they are looking in the photo is only digitally furnished and that the place is selling vacant. They just have a glimpse at the possibilities and if they can imagine living in such an environment and all the other conditions then they will probably consider buying the place.

real estate marketing 360 / تسويق عقاري 360 / virtual reality in real estate / vr real estate / market your property

Virtual Staging is Cost-Efficient

The virtual staging service is very cost-efficient. You don’t waste time, energy and money to have the place staged in a traditional way.

You just provide the photos of the vacant rooms to a virtual staging agency that will do all the work in a day or two. You can even choose the design and decorative details that you want to be put into the rooms form a digital library that the agency has. Usually, the price for one virtually staged room is about 95% cheaper than the actual staging.

real estate marketing 360 / تسويق عقاري 360 / virtual reality in real estate / vr real estate / market your property

The Bottom Line

Virtual staging provides a vision of the potential of the space. And the fact that buyers go online to search for their dream house tells you how important the first impression is that the virtual stages can create.

Advantages of Virtual Staging

Buying a home is a huge investment for most people. They think about this decision for a long time.

To adequately capture the buyer’s attention, a seller must appeal to the buyer’s imagination. That’s why many sellers place furnishings in a home they want to see. This appeals to the imagination of the buyer. They imagine how the home will look like when they move in.

How everything fits in place. They also get a feel of how big the rooms are. Traditionally sellers have hired furnishings to stage a home. The hassles involved in bringing in the furniture and getting it out was just too much, however the game has changed with the introduction of virtual furniture.

real estate marketing 360 / تسويق عقاري 360 / virtual reality in real estate / vr real estate / market your property

Some of the benefits of virtual furniture include

1. More sales

2. Buyers get a realistic preview of the home

3. Cost effective

4. Less hassle and less time involved

5. Target specific demographics

In the digital world we live today, almost all activity is connected to the Internet. We pay our bills on the Internet, we sell and buy products on the Internet, and when we want to find out any information about anything, the first place we come to is the Internet. In the real estate industry, the Internet has facilitated the flow of work to a great extent as satisfying the potential buyer has never been easier.

Searching for the ideal future home is just a click away and visualizing it before even seeing it on the spot has helped the potential buyer make decisions based on what they see and get as information.

Very often, the buyers have already made half the decision whether they are going to buy the house once they have seen the listing on the internet, so checking it out in person can just solidify the decision. All of this is possible because of a technique that the realtors use nowadays: the virtual staging of the house.

Some people see virtual staging as deception, but this is completely untrue because with virtual staging you do not deceive the buyer, instead, you show them all the possibilities of what they can do with a vacant space.

Not only can virtual staging offer a very realistic view of the future home, but it also is very impactful and convenient.


The possibilities are endless! When you add virtual staging to your vacant images, the possibilities of how you can make your room look like are endless! You can let your buyers see how awesome the rooms can be depending on the furniture styles that you choose.

We have a vast collection of furniture that will enhance your property’s features.

We have Modern, Farmhouse, Traditional, Scandinavian, and Transitional. The choice is yours! A Real Money Saver! Since you will not physically stage the actual room, you won’t spend thousands of dollars just to let your buyers see how beautiful the property is!

Remember, we do not make any changes to the underlying property or photo!

We primarily work with photos of vacant homes and a plant or one or two pieces of décor in the photo is probably okay.

We can sometimes work with partially furnished properties as well but this will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Keep in mind, we want to deliver a quality virtual staging product and suggest that you contact us with any related concerns.

Absolutely, you may print your own at home, at the office or at your local office supply, print or copy shop.

If you want to print enlargements, please remember that for best results you must provide us the highest quality photos available.

 Lesser quality photos will result in pixelated and poor quality images no matter how good our work is.

Our turn around time can vary a bit based on our backlog at the time of your placed order, but once we have received a completed order along with your photos, we average about 2 business days.

Keep in mind that our virtual staging service is focused on providing our clients with a quality product and we will not rush projects as we feel every order that comes in is of utmost importance and will be completed accordingly.


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